Millworks Studio Postcard

This postcard for Millworks Studio was designed to provide concise instructions for cutting board care, serving both functional and branding purposes. Each cutting board comes with this postcard, reinforcing the Millworks Studio brand. The design process involved creating a rustic yet elegant aesthetic that aligns with the studio’s identity. The postcard features a clean layout, integrating the studio’s logo and essential care instructions, ensuring it is both visually appealing and informative.

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An image of a dense evergreen forest with a mix of green and yellowish trees. The text "Caring for Your Board" is prominently displayed in bold, uppercase letters on the left side of the image. The background is slightly faded to emphasize the text, creating a graphic design aesthetic perfect for digital marketing or web design.


A black informational graphic from Millworks Web Design & Graphics detailing care instructions for cutting boards. Divided into three sections: Clean, Condition, and Avoid, it lists specific steps in each category. Contact information for is in the bottom left corner.
